

Hasdemirel Makina started to operate in 1990. The first requirement of marble quarries was to start with manbela, pheasant, sledgehammer, nails, and continued to work with the production of counting sounding mountain cutting machine in 2000. Having entered a rapid growth trend since 2011, hasdemirel machine carries out production with importance to servise and quality.

Having a product range such as bridges, mountain cutting machine, drilling machine, angled counting machine, splitting machine, HasDemirel machine keeps the principle of uninterrupted customer satisfaction in the foreground. Hasdemirel machine, which develops the most appropriate solutions to the needs and demands of the customers in the marble stove machines sector and provides satisfaction at every stage, has aimed to create a reliable name at home and abroad with its professional, meticulous and regular operation and quality of its products. Our company, which has the advanced technology and expert personnel required for marble quarries, provides the fastest and effective service after sales of marble quarry machines as well as sales of 1500 m2 closed area spare parts and workshop services in afyon iscehisar Industrial Site.

This long journey which started with nails, levers and pheasants about 50 years ago is continuing today with the production of many machines which are required by the marble sector such as mountain cutting, air hydraulic drilling and counting.